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健保資料庫研究團隊 - HPV感染可能致乾癬 尤其女性及60歲以上患者

健保資料庫研究團隊 - HPV感染可能致乾癬 尤其女性及60歲以上患者

🙂 難能可貴的是:這篇論文的第一作者是我們中山醫學大學5年級的醫學生陳明利同學。

📝 文章刊登在流行病學領域第一名的國際流行病學期刊 IJE (International Journal of Epidemiology)。

🔎 乾癬常被誤解為黴菌感染,事實上是自體免疫造成皮膚慢性發炎,高市立聯合醫院與中山醫學大學共同研究發現人類乳突病毒(HPV)可能透過慢性發炎、干擾免疫系統增加乾癬的發生率,尤其女性及60歲以上感染HPV,相較未感染者增加31%及65%罹患乾癬之風險。醫師建議民眾自費預防接種HPV疫苗,以避免感染,尤其年輕女性。

👨‍⚕️ 洪堯民醫師說:

👨‍⚕️ 魏正宗醫師表示


Background: This study investigated whether patients with a history of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection are at increased risk of developing psoriasis.

Methods: We enrolled 66 274 patients with HPV infection between 1997 and 2013 from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database, and compared them with control individuals who had never been diagnosed with HPV infection (at a 1:4 ratio matched by age, sex and index year) in relation to the risk of developing psoriasis. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), with the control group as reference.

Results: The adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) was 1.177 (95% CI, 1.010-1.373) after adjusting for demographic characteristics, comorbidities, dermatology-related outpatient visits and medications. The HPV group had an increased risk of psoriasis compared with the control group in all of the different age groups. The P-value for interaction between age and exposure of HPV is 0.009 in our sub-group analysis.

Conclusions: A higher risk of psoriasis was found after HPV infection, and age acted as an effect modifier between the HPV infection and risk of psoriasis.

Keywords: Papillomavirus infection; cohort study; psoriasis.

